Show HN: Convert your Containerfile to a bootable OS

twelvenmonkeys | 219 points

The 'bootable container' / 'native container' space is getting really exiting, even (and especially) for desktop usecases. Atomic Fedora has had support for so called Ostree Native Containers for a while now, and that will eventually adapt `bootc` as the base layer for building and booting containers (but as of now it's not totally ready yet). VanillaOS is also working on similar things but I don't think it'll use `bootc`.

Some awesome community projects have also been born out of this space:

- provides some neat Fedora images, which have one of the best Nvidia driver experiences on Linux IME, and are over all solid and dependable

- makes it pretty easy to build images like Universal Blue's for personal use

The best part here is really the composability; you can take a solid atomic Linux base, add whatever you like, and ship it over the air to client computers with container registries. All clients see is a diff every day, which they pull and 'apply' to be used after the next boot.

FireInsight | 12 days ago

I don't understand how it works.

Did I guess it right that it basically processes Containerfile and instead of producing a .tar artifact (which is what container images usually are) it produces .qcow2/.ami/.raw/.iso/.vmdk file which in case of .qcow2/.raw/.vmdk can be used by a virtualization software to start up a VM with a disk mounted from that file?

Will the changes made inside a session with such a VM persist? or will they get lost (which is the default behavior with containers)?

Container's filesystem may be as narrow as a single binary file, surely a VM with such a filesystem won't be able to boot - where will it take the OS (with the kernel, drivers and other stuff) from?

mathfailure | 12 days ago

Something like this is what I had desired when briefly experimenting with Fedora CoreOS and having to build layered images for ZFS support. I was new to CoreOS and was stuck right after I finished building an OCI image. Eventually I learned that the only way forward was to boot with a base image, then layer what I had built and run `rpm-ostree commit`.

I wonder if this project would've served my use case. The OCI images you build when layering FCOS images all build atop the base FCOS image. So I would expect them to be "bootable" in some sense.

koito17 | 12 days ago

On a tangential note, does anyone here remember Erlang on Xen [0]? It's a project from a decade ago, allowing you to package your code to run directly on the hypervisor without an OS. I really liked that approach and am wondering why it seems to have hit a dead end.


falcor84 | 12 days ago

Keeping an eye on this. I've been wanting something like this to manage an air-gapped system. I don't want to worry about keeping on offline apt repository (or what have you) synced, I just want to boot a full new image and mount my home folder.

satertek | 12 days ago

And we've come full circle almost.

cbxyp | 11 days ago

What about the other way around? Writing my own docker(-compose)files by hand kindof stinks.

nubinetwork | 12 days ago

Somewhat-related, a project of mine ( allows for converting docker images to ext4 images, among other formats. A way to turn it straight to a bootable image is very cool though, I’ll have to give this a try later!

notamy | 12 days ago

I build Ubuntu OVAs offline using debootstrap->systemd-nspawn. All you really need to do is install the kernel and initramfs packages, then mount the fs to install grub to it.

mikepurvis | 12 days ago

I understand this is similar to alpine-make-vm-image [0] or nixos-generators [1]

By the way, is there a way to create minimal NixOS VMs without systemd?

- [0] - [1]

sunshine-o | 11 days ago does a similar thing an I‘ve used it successfully

mikef25 | 12 days ago

Nice! Same-same-but-different shameless plug: boot a shell into your container and mount the working/project dir

jbverschoor | 12 days ago

Is it something similar to d2vm(

It would be nice to have my "own" Linux distro.

theanonymousone | 11 days ago

Really interesting. I'm guessing this would be used when you want a container experience with VM level security. Would hopefully make it easier to create bespoke VM images to do fun stuff.

cogman10 | 12 days ago
| 12 days ago

I wonder as an experiment if you are able to run an instance of the parent OS via mounting /:/ and using an image that matches the parent OS…

allyant | 12 days ago

What is a practical example of how this is useful?

symlinkk | 11 days ago

Looks interesting, any Proxmox support or tests were done? I would love to see how this compares to a docker in LXC and having one for each container.

tamimio | 12 days ago

Guix did that too, right?

anthk | 12 days ago

Excellent, now I can write docker files to run containers as VMs on FreeBSD!

buildbot | 11 days ago

That's cool! Can you use it to display react apps on the screen though?

monstajoe | 12 days ago