High performance array programming in Petalisp

medo-bear | 69 points

Related (but tiny):

Petalisp: A DSL in CL intended for high performance array-based computing - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17170393 - May 2018 (1 comment)

dang | 13 days ago

Wait, I know the author and will share the link so he can join here.

hr0m | 13 days ago

iiuc, that JIT-compiler uses the CL-image's compile function. That won't do any good, if in a HPC environment the actual heavy lifting is to be done on equipment other than the main CPU, e.g. a GPGPU or (earlier) Xeon Phi.

guenthert | 13 days ago

"Not only is this JIT-compiler just 8 lines of code, it is also 20 times faster than invoking GCC or Clang on a roughly equivalent piece of C code."

So about as fast as TinyCcompiler (tcc)? Which produces faster code (in the context of HPC, elegance and ease of development takes a backseat to sheer performance, methinks)?

guenthert | 13 days ago