Lila: A Lil Interpreter in Posix Awk

RodgerTheGreat | 67 points

Not mentioned in the article, but good to know: Lil is the scripting language of Decker, which itself is a fantastic reincarnation of Hypercard with 1-bit graphics.

smartmic | 12 days ago

>AWK is frequently regarded as a domain-specific language akin to sed

Oh, well, I think a bit more than that:

Gem client in AWK, with just openssl as a dependency, as even GAWK can just do plain connections.

This does gopher, and you can replace the netcat code on GAWK with connections, and the usage on writting against the socket would be pretty much the same but using AWKś printf instead of echo:

anthk | 12 days ago

My understanding of Lil is that is it written in Lua.

I wonder if Lil could run in the implementation of Lua that Roblox offers?

tmaly | 12 days ago

Title has a mistake: it should be “POSIX AWK”, in all caps.

DerekL | 12 days ago