How I search in 2024

exolymph | 69 points

I've been using GitHub code search a lot to get examples of how people use APIs or designing features. It's quite good.

I recently did this to figure out how to insert JSON into Sqlite's FTS5

I didn't use AI because for these things because for some things (database design, constructing a grammar) you _really_ want to understand your code completely, and I don't want to deal with hallucinations.

AlexErrant | 12 days ago

Entirely off topic, but I hope referring to AI art as "generative art" doesn't catch on

There's such a great and rich world of generative art (explorations of algorithmic aesthetics, not AI generated) which is probably already endangered by the influx of the recent AI boon - would be a shame for it to be further buried by naming overload

pentaphobe | 12 days ago

I tried Kagi and even signed up for the basic plan but ultimately cancelled. If the basic plan included twice as many searches per month, I'd be all in. However, I find Startpage results are "just as good" and free. I didn't use a lot of the other Kagi tools.

So make it cost less or offer more and I'm in Kagi!

zikzak | 12 days ago

For me LLMs feel like a lecture where you understand all the words and ideas but once you leave you realise you really haven't understood anything new but you perhaps have some new avenues to explore. More of an advanced exploratory tool.

tarkin2 | 12 days ago

One tip for Google Search is to add `tbs=li:1` as a query parameter to your search shortcut to activate verbatim search. You can also use `num=100` to get more results at once.

layer8 | 12 days ago

Keyword search without SEO trash is EXACTLY what I want, and Marginalia sounds like it might fit the bill. Looking forward to seeing how well it performs over the next couple of weeks!

jerhewet | 12 days ago
xnx | 12 days ago

I only search if GPT4 does not provide what I need, which in about 80% of cases it does. My use cases tend to be ones where it’s fairly obvious if the results are true or not, which, once again, they are in the vast majority of my requests, and even when GPT4 is wrong it’s often “usefully wrong” in the sense that it gives me better idea of what to search for in traditional search engines.

ein0p | 12 days ago

Interesting to see Kagi on this list. One of our users for Zenfetch specifically requested the option to see their Zenfetch articles alongside their search results, so we naively developed that feature to appear beside Google SERPs...

Turns out, he was a Kagi power user. Not the worst mistake on our end, though pretty neat to see it in the wild

gabev | 12 days ago

I make heavy use of after:2023 type of filter in google

kytazo | 12 days ago

I have been using a self-hosted SearXNG instance and I have been ejoying it so far.

Sadly, it's the best we got right now.

leotravis10 | 11 days ago

I've been using Brave Search[0], and I have to say I've been quite impressed. I don't know if it will be enshitified going forward, but for now they run their own index and have been doing quite well for my purposes.

I'd use Kagi, but I really dislike the idea of my searches being linked to my credit card and home address for privacy reasons. It's a shame, because I do believe that paying a reasonable price for services is often more sustainable and, paradoxically, consumer-friendly than the alternative.


jszymborski | 12 days ago
| 12 days ago