OpenVoice: Instant Voice Cloning

tosh | 270 points

This story just within the last days:

"Athletic director used AI to frame principal with racist remarks in fake audio clip, police say"

grej | 13 days ago

We're really in an era were laws and their enforcement will have a lot of catching up to do very fast.

Fake historical proof, fake leaks, fake endorsments, fake ads ... People couldn't be bothered to double check when it was mere random text article on facetok, it's going to be so much worse ...

nolok | 13 days ago

It's not cloning, it's just copying the tonality. It states this in the docs but still calls itself voice cloning.

I tried it and I ended up sounding American, not my ususal dulcet Lancashire tones. Absolutely nothing like me.

_joel | 13 days ago

What is a legitimate use case for this? I can think of a hundred applications for deceiving others but struggle to come up with a scenario where one would want their voice cloned or reproduced.

screamingninja | 13 days ago

Where are the best places to keep up with all of this? I'm very interested in this area as I want to use these tools to create things with and my own voice isn't great for this.

Speech to speech seems like it might be better than TTS to get it to be more natural, i've played around with some tools like RVC etc, but I feel like there are maybe a lot of great AI workflows I am missing amoungst all the AI noise, it's the interesting workflows and people doing interesting things with AI that I am more interested in.

ChildOfChaos | 13 days ago

Awful lot of doomsaying and drama in here. What makes this release so bad compared to the existing voice cloning AI methods that have been publicly available for ~1 year already?

skeaker | 12 days ago

My voice is my passport, verify me

mindcrime | 13 days ago

I really can’t wait until voice cloning means we get a version of audiobooks read in the author’s voice. Of course it will never be quite as good as them reading it themselves but I think the author’s voice adds something that voice actors can’t- they appear to be too generic and too affected in their pronunciation for me to connect with.

andy_ppp | 13 days ago

I see there are some python notebooks, but it would have been nice to see some example code in the README.

tmaly | 12 days ago

Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I "cloned" my own voice and the outputs were nothing like my voice.

I thought I was going to hear myself speaking French, but it's definitely not that.

A bit misleading if none of the examples actually clone a voice when the title is "instant voice cloning"

Draiken | 13 days ago

How does a society function, with lookalike tools like this around? How would we prepare for it?

thimkerbell | 13 days ago

The last example where the generated voice talks in different languages? They don't sound like the same voice at all. I know I don't sound the same when I speak French or Japanese, but the difference in the example is bigger.

glandium | 13 days ago

I would love something like this for musical instruments. To be able to dial in the tone of my favorite artists using AI would be incredible.

g4zj | 13 days ago

How is it cloning when it doesn't preserve accent? Seems like overselling.

andsoitis | 13 days ago

“Introducing VoicePrint—our new way to secure your account! Speak with a representative to enable this feature today!”

teeray | 13 days ago


deputy | 13 days ago


alokjnv10 | 13 days ago


alokjnv10 | 13 days ago


cryptonector | 13 days ago


youngNed | 13 days ago

Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.

bparsons | 13 days ago

We've got a pretty sick society. We've spent so much money developing this technology to clone voices when we've got 8 billion voices on the planet today. We've developed 4K and even 8K video when we've already got beautiful scenes outside -- oh wait, we ruined those already with technology and roads and cars. We've got the smell of beautiful flowers and yet we have an entire chemical industry trying to replicate more artificial smells.

We're sick and AI is the apex of that pathology. Can you imagine how nice life would be if we just devoted all this energy into providing for basic needs and focusing on social problems instead of technological ones? We're making the world worse with this shit.

vouaobrasil | 13 days ago