Ask HN: 16 yo Nephew, in E. Africa, wants to train an LLM with on disk Wikipedia

a_w | 14 points

In addition to the other great suggestions, point him to Karpathy's YouTube channel[1]. Karpathy has an approachable communication style.

Here's his "1 hour intro to LLMs" video:


runjake | 13 days ago

Not an expert, but maybe using RAG/embeddings on the on-disk wikipedia would be better than finetuning on wikipedia?

Most decent LLMs probably were already trained on wikipedia, that doesn't stop them from hallucinating when asked questions about it.

FrenchDevRemote | 12 days ago

Use a model already trained on Wiki[edia using llamafile.

You can download llamafile and several models, put them on a USB drive or hard drive, them send the drive to him via DHL.

icsa | 14 days ago

Would it be possible to ship him a Starlink terminal? Internet access could do wonders for a young interested guy like that... And he could share that connectivity with people around him too.

throwaway11460 | 9 days ago

What kind of GPUs does he have?

joegibbs | 14 days ago