The Moon brings a wild but precarious fish orgy to California's beaches

priyankanath | 75 points

I love grunions. Such funny little creatures. I'd recommend finding a video of them in action where they bury themselves in the sand, only to wiggle around and "pop" out of the sand again.

blackle | 10 days ago

As a teenager I once stumbled upon a grunion run, before I had any what they were or that it was even a thing. It was… pretty incredible. I still consider myself lucky that I got to see it.

zoky | 10 days ago

> In addition, they only spawn during full or new moons – because they need a high tide.

Seems like tides should be dependent solely on moon position, not moon phase.

rvbissell | 10 days ago

There's an old movie called "The day The Fish Came Out".

stevetron | 9 days ago

Only one solution: WE MUST DESTROY THE MOON.

dhosek | 10 days ago

Hell yeah

RIMR | 10 days ago

Apropos of nothing, but would there ever be a "non-wild" orgy? Perhaps an orderly progression of couplings, with a timekeeper and protocols, and tea being served?

hotsauceror | 10 days ago