Show HN: Finetune Llama-3 2x faster in a Colab notebook

danielhanchen | 45 points

Hey! If you're interested to try out finetuning Llama-3 8B (Meta's new 15 trillion token!! model), made a Colab to finetune Llama-3 2x faster and use 60% less VRAM, and supports 4x longer contexts than HF+FA2.

Also uploaded Llama-3 70b pre-quantized 4bit so you can download it 4x faster! unsloth/llama-3-70b-bnb-4bit

danielhanchen | 15 days ago

I have also have a Kaggle notebook:

Kaggle provides Tesla T4s 30 hours for free per week!!

danielhanchen | 13 days ago