First practical SHA-256 collision for 31 steps. fse2024

devStorms | 179 points

It took me a lot of head scratching to exactly understand what this means, so for your information: this is not a full attack and you are safe (for now). If you need a concrete proof:

    import hashlib
    m0 = bytes.fromhex('''
        c32aef52 512294ba 9db5ed8c 8c8c88ed b2de2765 63a2d14e ec7619cc 93b21182
        e5050f50 f0839b60 7b1ee176 aaa06d68 c462343c 67898962 9558f495 04281f2c
    m1 = bytes.fromhex('''
        5d0f5ae6 05e98311 8fa3c73a 9af8c49d a2bf31f7 de547b67 5baecee3 da0d8c94
        e4c19564 f682d45c f7c57698 f871f9b5 f14469b7 fc28eb0c 2d76db75 043fe071
    m1p = bytes.fromhex('''
        5d0f5ae6 05e98311 8fa3c73a 9af8c49d a2bf31f7 de548b61 5b8e46f2 8a1dd69a
        bcc08464 f6825458 f7c57698 f871f9b5 f14469b7 fc28eb0c 2d76db75 043fe071
    print(hashlib.sha256(m0 + m1).hexdigest())
    # 2627577ac401cf44d837cf8471cac13ad7d8385bd00e4daf59fd3c3c646eaaae
    print(hashlib.sha256(m0 + m1p).hexdigest())
    # c945222bf0868a2218d5683c69b2b6c4720093e40c46d1197262d991e4d483b6
As far as I can understand, this is same as [1] and the first practical semi-free-start collision of 31 out of 64 rounds of SHA-256, at the complexity of 2^49.8. "Step" here equates to "round", which is not always the case and I was much confused. (RIPEMD-160 for example has 5 rounds and 16 steps per each round.) There are other theoretical cryptanalyses with more rounds of SHA-256, but this one is fairly practical and the group has explicitly demonstrated. But it is still far from the full collision attack or more like MD5 suffered back in 2009.

(By the way I couldn't exactly reproduce the claimed result even with a 31-round version of SHA-256. Maybe they simply ran a step function 31 times without any initial rounds? I don't know.)

EDIT: @Retr0id has reproduced this result:


lifthrasiir | a month ago

“Steps” means “rounds” here. For the general advances see the table under .

In 2016 there was a practical collision attack for 28 rounds. At that rate of progress, a practical collision attack for all 64 rounds would be reached in around 90 years from now.

layer8 | a month ago

This is a good time to re-read JP Aumasson's "Too Much Crypto" post:

The comparison is probably broken in a variety of ways, but the Keccak team proposed KangarooTwelve, a 12- (1/2 as many) round Keccak variant, after a practical attack on 6-round Keccak was published.

tptacek | a month ago

I assume “steps” here means rounds? For reference, standard SHA-256 is 64 rounds.

jl6 | a month ago

Bitcoin is using double sha256, just in case someone is wondering.

Though I wonder if double sha256 makes it twice harder to break or if it's better or lower than that.

popol12 | a month ago

I understand the definitions of such crypto algorithms but have no idea about differential cryptanalysis. Can someone explain how attacks like this are constructed, and why it took 8 years to advance cryptanalysis by 3 rounds? What insight was needed that took 8 years to discover and formulate as a practical attack?

renonce | a month ago

Good that git still use sha1 ;)

0x073 | a month ago