Cyber Security; Beginner Roadmap

ashimi | 56 points

Can anyone with experience in cyber security attest to the value of the recommendations given in the article? Are certificates really that important? Is the roadmap a good roadmap to follow if one wants to get into cyber security? Any other recommendations for a beginner?

codethief | 3 years ago

Alright so lots of people are saying certs aren’t worth it here. But as someone desperately trying to pivot from software development (5 year exp) to anything security related (which I find far more interesting), how are you supposed to do that without certs? I’ve done CTF events and performed well, I’ve done HTB for well over a year at this point, and the only time I’ve ever heard back from a company regarding an (offense) security position was basically just to see if I could be persuaded to do software development for their company instead. It’s extremely frustrating.

dilDDoS | 3 years ago

Good, but pentesting is just one arm of cybersecurity. I’m in the GRC space myself, and it’s kind of lonely here ;)

davidg109 | 3 years ago

About 10 years ago OSCP was considered difficult, or at least definitely not part of the beginner roadmap. Apparently this has changed?

waihtis | 3 years ago

Don't do any of these certifications. Yikes.

tptacek | 3 years ago

Lol at CEH. Nice joke there.

Beached | 3 years ago

Thanks for sharing this!

ricardobayes | 3 years ago
| 3 years ago

First rule of 'Cyber Security': never use the phrase 'Cyber Security' in any serious discussion on hacking. If I was going to hire-on a computer security professional. The first question I would ask is, how many machines have you owned?

Hickfang | 3 years ago

Why choose cyber security over software development?

xwdv | 3 years ago