The Architecture of Open Source Applications

xanthine | 177 points

This has been posted dozens of times [0]. Most recently 30 days ago. [1]



(Just saving @dang a step or two ;-)

ternaryoperator | 4 years ago

To the authors: Please drop TLS in front of your site. It's near trivial and free.


I wonder how to take this? Is it good to use these as a recommended approach? I would bet that there could be good examples and bad? Is any of these the leader in terms of approach used for their domain? (Graph databases for example).

Could it be that these are `just interesting` but not authoritative?

Just1689 | 4 years ago

Here's a list of softwares that I'd like to see explained in detail:


#2 ProseMirror

#3 V8

#4 WebKit

#5 Kubernetes

lewisjoe | 4 years ago

Can anyone recommend other resources similar to this?

reagan | 4 years ago