Ask HN: What is your personal knowledge management system?

wtznc | 21 points

I use my own opensource application, Contextualise ( But, also check out this list of knowledge graph / second brain / digital gardening resources, here:

brettkromkamp | 4 years ago

I use org-mode in emacs:

* For scratch notes I have a little bit of elisp I wrote to take a note title and file it into a year/month folder with day prefix

* For permanent notes I use org-roam with a zettelkasten-like method. I do one idea per note and link each new note into a couple other notes that seem relevant.

* for concrete tasks

* for anything of interest to process later. I use beorg on my phone to add to this.

* for birthdays

I also use SuperMemo 18 for incremental reading, a general deck for facts I deem important, and a deck for my Russian learning. I haven’t totally figured out this piece yet though, and there’s a nuance to what goes into my zettelkasten and what goes into my spaced repetition decks.

SirensOfTitan | 4 years ago

My brain.

Which is true :-) ... but maybe more what you are asking: a todo.txt file, as well as my personal website with my public writing -- that's as much for my memory/knowledge as anyone else's.

benhoyt | 4 years ago

I use Trello. Its columns show different categories:

- Column1: Useful tools and Interesting startups (Cards: B2B, B2C, personal, etc.)

- C2: Blog ideas (and helpful resources for them)

- C3: Entertainment list (tv series watch list, my fav movies, weird directors, etc.)

- C4: To learn list (Articles, books, etc by their subjects)

- C5-10: Learned items (important things i learned sorted by subject and finished time)

khannavid | 4 years ago


I tried more involved approaches like knowledge graphs and wikis but found I spent more time researching and setting up these things than actually using them.

The simplest way for me to store and retrieve info I need is to be able to dump it into a .md and search over everything.

I do like the idea of having a personal wiki, but right now I don't have enough depth of information to warrant the transfer. Anything that I need in depth information is usually already in a wiki somewhere, so I don't really see the point in duplicating the information.

protonimitate | 4 years ago

I use Tiddlywiki.

h0p3 | 4 years ago

Chrome bookmarks. Folders.

pruthvishetty | 4 years ago

Airtable & Mindmap

AbenezerMamo | 4 years ago