Software is a focus intensive industry

siscia | 100 points

Please let’s not reinvent concepts or words. We are not the chosen ones nor do we live in a field that is different from any other.

Many other fields require the same mental capacities we employ: from doctors to school teachers all the way to even accountants. They are literally doing the same stuff we are doing: grabbing stuff that was already built by others, thinking about it, discussing it, having meetings, etc.

I hate it when a community becomes so biased towards their own field in a way that creates a bubble and interferes with actual innovation. This has sadly been the case for the software industry.

sktrdie | 4 years ago

> Unfortunately people get bored, especially in creative profession, when the product is mature, the job becomes more boring.

This is backwards, IME. I want to maintain a system and make it run great. Management is always pushing for some damn new thing, and features and velocity over stability and quality.

ken | 4 years ago

It is poor style to capitalize FOCUS throughout the article.

For example, when a mathematician starts reading a paper that uses too many acronyms, they generally freak out. It's a strong signal that they've wandered into the wrong part of town. While there is brilliant work done in applied domains, one rarely finds it in acronym-heavy papers.

After a lifetime of reinforcement with this filter in place, it's very hard to read FOCUS as anything but an acronym. That's not what you intend, so look into styling your html with bold or italic emphasis?

(I was at a faculty meeting that was spending an unreasonable amount of time debating an acronym for our salary committee, something that would reinforce the message that there are other aspects of our compensation. My contribution: "I love how Brits use short words for things. As a member of the most symbolic department, I'd like to speak in favor of an acronym-free workplace." I got the Provost evil eye.)

Syzygies | 4 years ago

The way you define focus sounds a bit strange to me. Focus is indeed needed for programming - that's why you need to be in the zone when coding - but it's the focus we refer to usually.

As we live in a frantic attention economy now focus is indeed very valuable as dealing with the ongoing bombardment with distractions is truly expensive.

Just think about all those remote workers getting reminded all the time that some new Slack, Flock, Skype, WhatsApp, Facebook, e-mail messages arrived.

All the companies above make money by hijacking our attention and forcing us to focus on the work we do for them for free instead. Imagine us focusing at the code instead.

onreact | 4 years ago

Maintaining focus is actually labor. Adding more devs might not help with a late project, but it does help with building bigger systems. So, I disagree, software is extremely labor intensive work.

cuillevel3 | 4 years ago

Why do we think our field is so special and unique and different?

draw_down | 4 years ago