3Blue1Brown and the Beauty of Mathematics [video]

oska | 187 points

Worth looking at Grant's graphics library made for and used in his videos: https://github.com/3b1b/manim/

vermilingua | 4 years ago

If Grant is not on NPR or PBS within five years I would be very surprised. He has a very distinctive voice. I find it kind of annoying but it's one of those voices that as soon as you hear it you know who it is.

soniman | 4 years ago

> Playback on other websites has been disabled by the video owner.

Seems like a misconfiguration for Lex to embed his videos in his site then disable embedding.

Thorrez | 4 years ago

- Why is the nature of reality so compressible into clean beautiful equations that are for the most part simple?

- The only things that physicists are interested in are the ones that are simple enough they could describe it mathematically but as soon as it's sufficiently complex system that's outside the realm of physics, that's biology or whatever have you...

So true!

LukaszWiktor | 4 years ago

While Lex gets interesting people on his podcast, he seems to focus so much on "beauty" in his interviews that nothing substantive ever gets said. He's constantly asking "what do you find to be the most beautiful about X?" and asking other highly speculative and un-substantive questions. I wish he would ask questions aimed and allowing the interviewer to spend the most time delivering high yield information. This is meant as constructive feedback not as mere complaining.

outlace | 4 years ago

I've got to shake my head at these segments where the interviewer asks a philosophical question without seeming to have the conceptual maturity and framing to reliably go beyond delineating semantics. Luckily, Sanderson goes above and beyond.

10:31 – Is math discovered or invented?

The way it was posed sounds like it was asking for a dogmatic judgment on the nature of doing math, but I like Sanderson's take on how it looks to him, that certain mathematical problems seem discovered, and the mathematical tools developed to solve them and the frameworks they become seem invented.

14:30 – Difference between physics and math

Rather than tackling the philosophical question directly, Sanderson talks about the motivations mathematicians and physicists have when they do math / do physics, and that different people will give different answers.

17:24 – Why is reality compressible into simple equations?

Again, Sanderson provides a saner view: this feeling comes from that once you analyze out all your irrelevant details that you don't care about, or that you give up about (chaotic systems), what's left is what you can focus on by describing in simple equations.

jhanschoo | 4 years ago

According to the provided by the UN, genocide requires acting with intent to destroy.

> ... committed with intent to destroy ...


quindecagon | 4 years ago