WinWorld: online museum of vintage, abandoned, and pre-release software

peter_d_sherman | 101 points

I didn't see it on there; it's missing Monkey Linux, which was the first Linux I installed, on a 386 "laptop" (Compaq SLT/386) with 6 MB of RAM.

Why 6 MB? Well, I bought it used without a battery, so I built one out of old NiCd cells from used cell phone batteries; this monster of electrical tape, hot glue, and hope did not fit into the spot meant for it, so with some creative dremeling and removal of a stick of RAM, I got it to "fit".

Monkey Linux was unique in one special way - it ran on top of the DOS filesystem, IIRC, in it's own partition. I think at the time I had Caldera's OpenDOS installed (speaking of which - it's not on the site, either). You could easily copy files back and forth from Monkey to MS-DOS. I never looked at it too deeply, but I bet everything was perm'd 777 root access, too - or something close.

I quickly moved on from Monkey to Turbo Linux 2.0 - but it served me well to learn a bit on (more like freshen up what I had known already from using AIX at a former employer).

Here's some links to Monkey:

I don't know if you can get a complete download between those two links or not, but if WinWorld wants a full copy, they can contact me and I can send it to them.

Same for Caldera OpenDOS. I'm not sure what the last version of it I have of it, though.

cr0sh | 4 years ago

Any idea what the copyright situation is on these downloads?

The page for Windows XP (Whistler) shows this message:

> Microsoft has asserted their copyright status regarding Windows XP. WinWorld respects this and therefore will not host Windows XP.

> Microsoft still supports various incarnations of this software, and its availability competes with newer Windows product sales. Windows XP is not rare or in danger of disappearing, and therefore has no real place on WinWorld anyway.

However, the pre-release versions are available for download?!

jannes | 4 years ago

WinWorld has been particularly useful to me this past week!

I live in a room in a house of a homestay family who have 2 daughters aged 6 and 9. It was the older daughter's birthday, and I thought I'd give her a Raspberry Pi. However, although I managed to get a spare VGA screen, USB keyboard and mouse, I would've had to spend about $100 on the Pi, SD card, and HDMI to VGA adaptor.

I went to a scrapyard and found a Thinkpad T22 for $5.

It's great for learning to code in Logo, drawing with Kid Pix, running Mac System 7 with Basilisk II, or playing Alien Force, Asteroid, Pipe Dream, The Sims, SimCity, Bejeweled, Mahjong, even Age of Empires II. It can even play videos with VLC, though it doesn't have WiFi so parental controls over Internet access are quite simple: go to mummy's room to plug it in.

Getting the installation kits for old Windows versions was straightforward thanks to winworldpc, and I'm very grateful for it.

peterburkimsher | 4 years ago

A/UX is an interesting one, for one, it's Apple's original Unix release, which predates Darwin/Next by several years.

The other neat thing about A/UX was that it had a utility that let you format regular SCSI drives so that consumer-grad Macs could use them. This greatly extends the life of of System 6/7 devices as Apple-branded SCSI hard drives bigger than a couple megabytes from the early 1990s are super rare now. System 6 is pretty snappy even by modern standards (was written in assembly) and has backports for IE 3/4, IRC clients etc.

hadlock | 4 years ago
| 4 years ago

What a blast from the past! Some notable titles:

    Acrobat 6
    FileMaker Pro 5
    Exchange 2000
    Encarta 1999
    Adobe Illustrator 10
    CorelDraw 6
    OmniPage Pro 12
    PageMaker 6
    Visio 2000 Pro
    MS Project 2000
    Mathematica 4
    Matlab 5
    CircuitMaker 2000
    SQL Server 2005
    VB 6 Enterprise
rkagerer | 4 years ago

This is great, being able to download historic OS X releases. I wish that were possible for all releases up to the current one. How Apple implements planned obsolescence by making older releases unavailable really sucks.

classified | 4 years ago

Wait so I can download SimCity from this site and start procrastinating like it’s 1989?

koolba | 4 years ago

i have not heard the word abandonware in like forever!

zojirushibottle | 4 years ago