Show HN: Pipedream. Develop any workflow, on any trigger, with auth and no infra

todsac | 245 points is an accompanying article. Was originally the submitted URL.

dang | 5 years ago

Co-founder here. We have been heads down working Pipedream for the past 9 months and are excited to share our beta with you.

Pipedream is an integration platform built for developers. Develop any workflow, based on any trigger with authentication management built-in and no server or cloud resources to manage.

Workflows are code, which you can run for free.

The beta version includes the ability to:

- Run any Node code, or use pre-built actions

- Trigger workflows via HTTP, Cron, integrated apps or email

- Create, share, and fork workflows from the community and

- Send data to S3, Snowflake, email, SSE, and more.

Coming soon — Develop locally and deploy workflows via CLI, SDK, and more.

We think there’s a lot we can improve and are eager for feedback so please send us your ideas and opinions. Also, if you want a specific app or API fully integrated, let us know.

todsac | 5 years ago

The usual question, how they monetize the service?

It's answered here[1], along with limitations[2]:

- 100kb max body-size.

- Rate-limit at 10 requests per second

- 10 seconds per execution for HTTP triggers, and 30 seconds for cron triggers

- 192 MB of memory for your code and libraries during workflow execution

- 512 MB of disk in the /tmp directory.

[1] [2]

tmikaeld | 5 years ago

Possible alternative for self-hosted applications:

l1n | 5 years ago

Hi y’all, this is Dylan, a Pipedream engineer and co-founder. We launched today to get early feedback from developers on what we’ve built and we’ve received a lot of thoughtful comments. Thank you to everyone who signed up!

I especially appreciate the discussion around how and why Pipedream is free, and the concerns around the lack of a visible, scalable paid tier. Those concerns are valid and I want to give you a little more insight into our thinking on this and what the future holds.

Workflows created by one developer can be forked, run, and modified by others. We all build a lot of the same integrations across companies and believe if this code is shared and executed on a common platform that’s purpose-built for running these workflows, it’ll save us all a lot of time.

We’ve worked with thousands of alpha users to understand how they’re using the product and considered what features enterprises ultimately will want and need to pay for. These include: higher workflow limits, private workflows and actions, SLAs, premium support, and more. We didn’t launch with that today because we’re focused on getting feedback from individual developers who will be the majority of users moving forward.

Of course, you can’t run a business solely on free workflows. We’ve set some limits on these workflows that help us control excessive use [1]. Our team has a wealth of collective experience scaling software companies on the business and tech side, and we have confidence that we’ll be able to retain a generous free tier while building a sustainable business.

I empathize with the skepticism of Pipedream and of hosted platforms in general, and welcome any more specific questions. We truly love feedback. We’ve implemented some ideas that we believe facilitate the developer experience for building workflows but are looking for y’all to test that, validate or invalidate it, and give us specific thoughts as you have time.

dylan [at] pipedream [dot] com


dylburger | 5 years ago

It looks like an interesting alternative to Zapier (or its open source counterpart n8n [1]).

As a potential user, before even trying the tool I'd like to know how are you planning to monetize it. Free sounds awesome, but you'll get to a point where it costs you actual money to keep all this working. I don't want to waste my time creating pipelines in a tool that won't exist in a year or two -or that will become paid and break my existing workflows (or make me expend money unexpectedly)-.


zimmund | 5 years ago

I do not feel that this is the best article to sell me on your product. It compensates for trying to describe a rock solid use case with a lot of links to other things with limited context (that are probably brilliant if you knew that context). If I wanted to watch a 15 minute video I would watch that instead. I feel like your landing page does a better job describing why I want to use your product.

I wish this article was a more digestible single case as an introduction that showed value rather than saying 'you can run anything!!! for free!!!'

xemdetia | 5 years ago

Why would I use this instead of an option built into a major cloud provider such as AWS, GCP, or Azure?

How do you differentiate yourself. Do you (or will you) support frameworks like Serverless?

linuxdude314 | 5 years ago

Congrats on launching!

I'm a founder of a startup in the same space, so just wanted to say good luck. I love the name. It's exciting to see so many folks working on making connective developer tooling a better experience.

I had a link originally included in here but -- you guys should enjoy your launch. I understand and have a great deal of empathy for the effort it takes to build and launch something new. Enjoy all of it, and keep up the good work.

- Keith

keithwhor | 5 years ago

The example demo looks very slick! it looks like Zapier but a bit more low level. Also for anyone interested in running functions but not interested in handling the complexity of aws lambda I'd check Cloudflare workers

zlagen | 5 years ago

What security measures are in place to deal with malicious code from other users?

atarian | 5 years ago
| 5 years ago

> Develop any workflow, based on any trigger

As far as I can see the above should come with a footnote saying "for some value of any".

Looks very cool, despite being entirely web-centric.

magicalhippo | 5 years ago

I'd have an easier time evaluating pipedream if I got something other than a blank page when clicking through to the website from my mac running chrome.

davidthewatson | 5 years ago

How does this differ from Amazon Lambda?

Only read the landing page so far but it looks like Lambda with just Node support. Can someone correct me if I’m off?

pythonwutang | 5 years ago

I like it but I don't fully get it. Why use this service and not Lambda or Azure Functions?

jcmontx | 5 years ago

How's this going to be monetized? What sort of execution limits are there?

lukevp | 5 years ago

WOOHOO!!! Congrats on the launch!!!

saarsaar | 5 years ago

Name reminds me of a big adult novelties brand and company.

therealmarv | 5 years ago

free until when :)

grafcet_online | 5 years ago