Complex quantum teleportation achieved for the first time

lelf | 98 points

1. Size of the Particle teleported?

2. Displacement distance & velocity?

3. Energy consumed?


4. Is it really a teleportation?

lota-putty | 5 years ago

Interesting, is this teleportation thing restricted only by space or particles can also be tangled being in different time periods?

viach | 5 years ago

how did they get from this to quantum internet in once sentence?

atrandom | 5 years ago

In a nutshell, why are we trying to do this?

Jeff_Brown | 5 years ago

First known teleportation device was called the Fax which brings us to the reality that teleportation can be achieved by transferring the information through space rather than translation through space as most people imagine it.

This, once reality (at human scale), will bring an important ethical dilemma since for a short time there will be 2 of the same person, which for all intents and purposes are the same, even more so than cloning. Obviously, after transfer is complete, the source would have to be killed.

For non organic matter this could be great and perhaps the basis of some sort of matter to energy converter (it takes energy to create the duplicate), in time, storing the information of stuff you have transferred in a database can do without the initial step, and simply recreate the stuff.

As with any tech, there is a double edge sword to be mindful of.

Be careful what you wish for then push that teleport button as needed.

AlexDragusin | 5 years ago