Removing Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior from Russia

ccnafr | 50 points

Wow, a grand total of 75 user accounts, and $130 000 of ads.

How is this anything but a drop in the ocean? If this is the extent of 'Coordinated inauthentic behavior' I'm rather unimpressed with the capabilities of Russia.

rocqua | 5 years ago

What about "Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior" from elsewhere? FB is just feeding the coordinated desinformation spread by the US. Billions in ADs, targeted manipulation, phone bots, media monopolies spreading bullshit round the year, but don't worry about that, look Russia...

sudoaza | 5 years ago

In case anyone from the FB team behind this is reading: Was stealth banning the relevant accounts considered? If so, curious to know why it was rejected.

ddebernardy | 5 years ago

“Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior” is a nice euphemism!

Artemis2 | 5 years ago

By calling it “coordinated inauthentic behavior” FB is themselves being inauthentic. Authentic would be to describe actually what it is and what the problem is. Is the problem that it was coordinated? That it was not true to the poster’s personal belief (inauthentic)? Not actually true assertions (not authentic)? Maybe the behavior is the problem? Or some combination? So if the Russian state clearly put out content saying “This is Russia and we think you should vote for X” is that okay (coordinated authentic behavior)? What about all the “CIB” originating from inside the US? Or, how about FB’s own “CIB”, like the link in question?

prewett | 5 years ago

> We are constantly working to detect and stop this type of activity because we don’t want our services to be used to manipulate people

Right, as long as you don't count American political content and advertising!

notjonmadden | 5 years ago

I'd be very interested in seeing if there's a similarly worded vkontakte or livejournal post from their admins, about removing "coordinated inauthentic behavior" from american sources.

Edit: I'm not alleging the US is doing such a thing in an organized manner, as the Russian "internet research agency" does, what I'm asking is whether the knee jerk response from Russian Facebook competitors (or state media like RT, Sputnik) will be to make the same allegations but in reverse. And if so, what form that will take.

walrus01 | 5 years ago

Facebook carefully guards its monopoly on coordinating inauthentic behavior! :)

atemerev | 5 years ago

Does Facebook have the same amount of concern for massive "Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior" campaigns originating from Israel/JIDF and US Intelligence Agencies that dwarf the Russian ones pointed out in this post?

spamlord | 5 years ago