Next.js 7

lxe | 200 points

Time and time again, the Next.js (and Zeit) team blow me away. The rate at which they release new, high-quality versions of their products is astounding, especially given how few people are working on this full time -- it's basically just Tim Neutkens, who's insane: he's constantly pushing updates, reviewing PRs, and finds time to be very active on the support channel.

We use a bunch of Zeit's tools (particularly Next.js and its static export feature) at Common ( -- we're hiring!), and they're consistently such good and reliable products (doesn't hurt that they have a sharp focus on developer experience).

Congrats to Tim and to the entire Zeit team!

ldthorne | 6 years ago

Could anyone explain what Next.js is? I use React (using create-react-app), but I'm under impression that React is a JavaScript framework (like Spring is Java framework, or RoR is Ruby framework).

So Next.js is a framework for a framework?

wiradikusuma | 6 years ago

What's the closest framework for Vue.js and how close is it in terms of functionality?

Asking because Next.js has been one of the reasons I've become more interested in the React ecosystem.

asselinpaul | 6 years ago

Not clear to me from the release notes if there now is an easy way to proxy to a server in development (if you for instance have a Django driven API on port 8000). This is easily done with create-react-app by just adding a line in package.json.

In Next you've had to either set up and configure nginx locally or proxia via an Express server, both options that that are a bit of a hassle to set up for such a common case.

erokar | 6 years ago

Which backend solution that isn't a service/CMS, but is more streamlined than Express or Koa would you recommend for solo devs going with Next.js? Is there something like a preferred full stack solution involving next.js on the frontend?

deltron3030 | 6 years ago

I really like the styled-jsx changes. One major issue I had was the fact that it's been difficult to pass styles onto child components without leaking them through the entire application. I'm really glad to see that they fixed this issue. Great job, Next.js team! I'm really blown away by Zeit in general.

sakarisson | 6 years ago

The speed improvements calculations seem weird to me. Shouldn't one build done in 178s instead of 304s be 70% faster instead of 42% faster? (you can do 1.7 of build using the old amount of time)

machiaweliczny | 6 years ago

so with Next for SSR you use React as a templating engine and just send that back?

criveros | 6 years ago